ORAHEAD Membership

Benefits of ORAHEAD Membership

Become an ORAHEAD member! Membership in ORAHEAD brings you the latest, up-to-date information regarding current best practices in higher education disability services in the state of Oregon. Members also receive:

  • access to our listserv, where members have the opportunity to ask questions and share their expertise

  • current legal compliance information and resources

  • opportunities to network with disability service professionals across the state

  • reduced registration rate for our annual fall and spring conferences

Questions? Email our membership coordinator at membership@orahead.org.

Institutional Membership

Institutional memberships allow the membership(s) to be “owned” by the College or University. These memberships are transferable in the event an individual vacates their position or no longer wishes to be a member of ORAHEAD. In addition to the ability to transfer memberships, the institution will also receive a discount on the per person cost for Institutional Gold or Institutional Platinum membership. Members designated by an institution are considered to have the same rights and responsibilities as Professional Members (described below), are entitled to one vote per person and are eligible to hold office.

Institutional Silver

Institutional Gold

Institutional Gold

Annual dues are $36 per member for 3-4 professional members.

IMPORTANT: Please specify quantity in order to ensure payment for each member. For example, input the number 4 if you are purchasing memberships for 4 staff members.

Institutional Platinum

Institutional Platinum

Annual dues are $32 per member for 5+ professional members.

IMPORTANT: Please specify quantity in order to ensure payment for each member. For example, input the number 6 if you are purchasing memberships for 6 staff members.

Individual Membership

Please review individual membership types below. If individuals are eligible for membership as both a professional and vendor member, they will be expected to use their professional judgment in cases in which their participation in ORAHEAD may be a conflict of interest. It is the recommendation of the ORAHEAD Board of Directors that such individuals use discretion and recuse themselves from any action that might be perceived as a conflict of interest. These actions my include but are not limited to: voting, contributing to listserv discussions, and participating on committees. The ORAHEAD Board of Directors will communicate any concerns about possible conflicts of interest and may take corrective action if necessary.

Pre-Professional Membership

Pre-professional membership is open to any postsecondary student engaged in training for the administration or provision of services enhancing postsecondary educational opportunities for students with disabilities.

  • Requirements: Pre-professional members must be sponsored by a current ORAHEAD member in good standing.

  • Eligibility:

    • Pre-professional members are eligible to serve on committees and communicate with members via the ORAHEAD listserv.

    • Pre-professional members are not eligible to vote or hold office on the ORAHEAD Board of Directors.

  • Annual Dues: Annual dues for individual pre-professional memberships are $20 per member (non-transferable).

Individual Pre-Professional

Professional Membership

Professional membership is open to academic personnel engaged in the administration or provision of services enhancing postsecondary educational opportunities for students with disabilities.

  • Eligibility: Professional members are eligible to vote, hold office on the ORAHEAD Board of Directors, serve on committees, and communicate with members via the ORAHEAD listserv.

  • Annual Dues: Annual dues for individual professional memberships are $40 per member (non-transferable).

Individual Professional

Associate Professional Membership

Associate professional membership is open to persons who share an interest in the administration or provision of services enhancing postsecondary educational opportunities for students with disabilities. This level of membership includes, but is not limited to, people who work in related fields. Associate members are encouraged to attend one ORAHEAD conference/meeting each year.

  • Requirements: Associate professional members must be sponsored by a current ORAHEAD member in good standing. Associate professional members may participate in the association’s listserv if they are welcomed to the listserv by the member who sponsored them.

  • Eligibility:

    • Pre-professional members are eligible to serve on committees and communicate with members via the ORAHEAD listserv.

    • Pre-professional members are not eligible to vote or hold office on the ORAHEAD Board of Directors.

  • Annual Dues: Annual dues for individual associate professional memberships are $20 per member (non-transferable).

Individual Associate Professional

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus membership is open to academic personnel previously engaged in the administration or provision of services enhancing postsecondary educational opportunities for students with disabilities. This level of membership includes former ORAHEAD members or retirees from the field.

  • Eligibility: Emeritus professional members are eligible to vote, hold office on the ORAHEAD Board of Directors, serve on committees, and communicate with members via the ORAHEAD listserv.

  • Annual Dues: Annual dues for individual emeritus professional memberships are $20 per member (non-transferable).

Individual Emeritus Membership

Vendor Membership

A principal or agent of a fee-for-service agency or company that has a product or service of value to students with disabilities or to staff of colleges or universities that serve students with disabilities may join ORAHEAD as a vendor member.

  • Eligibility:

    • Vendor members are eligible to attend ORAHEAD conferences at the member rate, have sponsorship opportunities at ORAHEAD Conferences, and advertise on the ORAHEAD quarterly.

    • Vendor members are not eligible to vote, hold office on the ORAHEAD Board of Directors, or subscribe to the ORAHEAD listserv.

  • Annual Dues: Annual dues for vendor memberships are $40 per member (non-transferable).

Vendor Membership